Sunday, June 23, 2019

Atheism is Denial of Reality and Refuted by Everything

Prior to the mid-19th century, the number of atheists in the world could fit on the bleachers of a high school gymnasium. A rise in the rejection of Christian moral values brought on a rise in secular humanism, which has resulted in a small percentage of the world's population considering itself atheist today.

If atheism were true, humans would be merely soulless chemical meat accidents with no innate value. Therefore, atheism is not only absurd, obviously false, and cannot provide for the existence of anything including morality, but is in fact a dangerous necromancy. It is a sickness that has caused more human suffering than any idea ever conceived. It is directly the cause of the death of hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century; more people than died in all of the wars in the history of the world combined prior to the 20th century, a mountain of bodies and river of blood - all because atheists refuse out of pride to acknowledge God. It should be internationally illegal to tell any human being, especially a child, that they are a soulless chemical meat accident, which is abusive. If we are to consider hate-speech to be a criminal offense, and slander and defamation of character to be civilly prosecutable offenses, then we would be inconsistent if we did not likewise make it a criminal offense for an atheist to tell another human being that they are merely a soulless chemical meat accident.

Atheism is also the least intellectual idea ever conceived, and requires a person to be in denial of a very great percentage of the accrued knowledge of mankind in the areas of science, philosophy, and human history. Atheists believe the universe exploded from a spaceless point, and that molecules bumping into each other self-organized into astonishing complexity and inter-dependence as rock soup which became alive, and continued to organized itself into artists, novelists, and scientist, ultimately resulting in Beethhoven symphonies, Michaelangelo statues, Vermeer paintings, computers, space probes, science fiction, and soulless chemical meat accidents which believe in God.

Atheists are people who demand that only atheists, a small minority of the people in the world, are right about the existence of non-physical things, especially their own soul, because they refuse to accept the inference that their own sentience is evidence of their soul, and that thier soul has a cause, which logically is God. In this way they think they can eliminate their obligation to God by removing him from the picture. It does not work for most however. Atheists spend their lives as activists, either minimally or compulsively and habitually, trying to get any Christian to come to disbelieve in God because they think the deconversion of a Christian, who claims to experience God, would finally vindicate their denial of God and finally free their conscience from their denial.

If the mind is entirely caused by matter, free will cannot exist. If free will does not exist, then there is no such thing as an opinion. Therefore the atheist assertion, "There is no evidence for the existence of God." is is just chemical reaction, not an opinion, and cannot be either true or false.

If the atheist's Philosophical Materialism were true, then immaterial things like propositions, such the proposition that materialism is true, can't be true. Atheism is logically incoherent and self-refuting.

If the atheist's Philosophical Materialism were true, then the atheist proposition, "There is no evidence for the existence of God." is is just chemical reaction, neither true nor false. Atheism is logically incoherent and self-refuting.

"Not a single salient characteristic of the mind is a property of matter. The strict materialistic explanation for the mind — the attribution of immaterial mental acts and properties to brain matter — is, by definition, a materialist superstition, a "false irrational conception of causation in nature maintained despite evidence to the contrary." -- Dr. Michael Egnor, award winning neurosurgon

Meaning is imparted to matter by a mind; matter isn't the source of meaning. Mental properties have no dimension or mass and are therefore non-material. Therefore matter (brain tissue) is not a sufficient explanation for mind.

If materialism were true, then memories would have to be a state of arrangement of molecules in the brain (what atheists refer to as "brain states"). But molecules are simply physical bits of matter in specific locations. It's absurd to propose that the locations of molecules produces memories in humans just like it's absurd to believe that a computer remembers something because of the state of the switches in it's chips. So why would someone believe that the location of matter creates memory?

"There are not many options - essentially just two. Either human intelligence ultimately owes its origin to mindless matter; or there is a Creator. It is strange that some people claim that it is their intelligence that leads them to prefer the first to the second." - John Lennox, PhD mathematician Oxford University, theologian