Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Atheism is Disproved by Logic

There are no questions for which either an answer does not exist in theism, or for for which an answer, if found, would not comport with theism. However, there are questions for which atheists can provide no answer because the existence of the premise cannot exist if atheism were true. The fact that such questions can be asked verifies atheism is not true. Here are a few examples.

Because atheists claim (and supposedly believe) that a human is a soulless bag of matter, none of the following questions comport to atheism, and no answer can be provided for them by any atheist.


Premise 1: Chemical reactions happen do not happen in the past or future. There have been chemical reactions that have occurred in the past, and others will happen in the future. However, all chemical reactions happen in the present.

Question: 1. If our thoughts are merely chemical reactions in a physical brain, how can prediction or anticipation exist?

Premise 2: Humans produce non-physical entities which have no basis in matter nor are they comprised of it. Here is a short list:

1. information
2. algorithms
3. linguistics
4. persistence of Self-Identity, personal intentions
5. philosophical reflection
6. consideration that results in a change of mind
7. un-confessed lies
8. the comprehension of the process of time
9. the recollection of past events
10. the existence of qualia (private experiences)
11. the truth that people are genuinely moral agents
12. the ability to understand and appreciate a state of affairs
13. the aptitude to evaluate and plan for future activities with inbuilt contingencies
14. the perception and appreciation of beauty
15. the aim of improving an activity one performs by concentrating
16. the continuous volition of intending and attending
17. restricted access
18. incorrigibility
19. accountability
20. admonition
21. ethical thought
22. moral thought
23. creativity
24. hatred
25. love
26. jealousy
27. determination of will
28. belief
29. disbelief
30. pretending
31. sophistry
32. apostasy
33. honor
34. inhibition
35. embarrassment
36. superstition
37. suspense
38. fear
39. anticipation
40. opinion
41. curiosity
42. inquiry
43. investigation
44. shame
45. surprise
46. prediction
47. premises

Question 2: If our thoughts are merely chemical reactions, how could they produce things which have no mass and cannot be measured, which is true of all non-physical entities?

Premise 3: Humans express free will in a number of ways. If atheism were true, then out thoughts are merely chemical reactions, including our assertions and opinions, and out thoughts would simply be chemical reactions determined by the proximity of matter to matter which has taken place because prior reactions have produced the conditions which causes other reactions to take place. Therefore, whenever an atheist states, "There is insufficient evidence for the existence of God." it is merely chemical reactions that have produced the sound waves that form the words.

If our thoughts are merely chemical reactions, how could those reactions allow for opinions, truth, facts, beliefs, reasoning, faith, hope, value, desire, trust, etc.? Is it rational to say these things arise from the interactions of mater? Can chemistry give an opinion?

Premise 4: Computers remember nothing. They store data or instructions in the form of switch positions which relate to on or off states. A computer has no memory of anything in the past. Atheists claim human brains are the computers which produce and store all human memories.

Question 4: How is it logical to say a human can have memories if our brains are merely chemical computers?

Premise 5: Atheists say our thoughts are merely physical, material chemical reactions and that physical causation explains all phenomenon.

Question 5: If physical causation explains all phenomenon, why do humans understand and continuously produce and engage with the concept of the non-physical?

Premise 6: Atheists say physical causation explains all phenomenon. However, language is dependent upon symbolism, and symbolism does not exist in material processes of chemistry and physics. For example, the letter "D" is not a sound. It represents a sound. The letters which comprise the word "dog" are not an animal. They symbolically represent an animal. The words, "The dog is very quick." is not a dog moving quickly. The words represent a dog moving quickly.

Question 6: Since language depends upon symbolism, why are humans able to use speech?

These and countless other questions one can imagine demonstrate that atheism does not comport to our reality and has no explanatory power. Because such questions demonstrate that the philosophical materialism of atheism is logically false, and therefore an atheist cannot provide logical answers to them, we know that atheism is a false belief. By the way, if atheism were true, an atheist could not believe anything.