Invoking Starmen for Panspermia
One of the most prominent themes of the various books of the Old Testament is the Hebrews dealing with tyrannical giants who had become the kings and military elite of numerous tribes of mankind. These giants are described as members of numerous tribes such as the Amorites, Anakin, Perizzites, Rephaim, Nephtalim, Philistines, Hittites, Jesubites, and Zamzummims.
Scripture describes humans being redeemed by the savior to be adopted as his children and members of God's family. There are no statements in scripture alluding to the redemption of angels or any other kind of creature God has made, other than humans.
Scripture describes two events during which angelic beings have entered the world to do evil. The first event is recorded in Genesis which states "the sons of God came unto the daughters of men". The passage makes it clear that the sons of God are not men. These beings procreated with human women either by possessing the bodies of humans in the same manner that demons possess humans, or by supernatural action. The offspring they produced were giants who became tyrants and ruled over mankind because of their immense stature and knowledge. Then came the Flood, which ended all life for animals which walked upon the face of the earth except those which remained safe inside the ark of Noah.
Scripture describes a second appearance of tyrannical giants upon the earth after the Noaich Flood. The statement in Genesis "and also after that" in describing the first event is considered by biblical scholars to mean "and also after that great event" or "and also after the Flood".
Genesis 6[4] There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
The second event took place after the Naoich Flood during the lifetime of Caleb (@ 1,530 BC). This second occurrence is not described explicitly in scripture like the first, but is made clear because giants once again became tyrannical rulers upon the earth. These giants cannot have been merely abnormally large humans because the first generation of them were created by an unearthly merger of humans and angelic beings, and because none of these tyrannical rulers were saved from the Flood in the ark of Noah.
Virtually all of the ancient tribes of mankind have legends of these giants because they did exist. It is irrational to believe all of the tribes of mankind would have fabricated stories of a great flood, a singular culture for all of mankind, a confusion of languages, and wicked giants. The rational explanation is that these events took place early in the history of mankind and because all of the tribes of mankind spread out from Babel and took their memory of these events with them. Certain ancient historians and extrabiblical literature also wrote of the giants which ruled over mankind. Therefore, the historicity of the Genesis account is established. Because of extrabiblical support, and the fact that the scriptures prove themselves to be inspired by God because of through their many examples of historical and scientific foreknowledge, such as fulfilled prophecies, we can know that the biblical account of the giants is historically factual.
It is well known to secular historians than in ancient times, many kings declared themselves to be divine. The giants written of in scripture are often described as the kings of various kingdoms. There are many ancient artifacts which depict the kings of various kingdoms as giants. Secular historians relegate this depiction as an exaggeration of human size to expression of the authority of the king, but in truth the simplest and best explanation is that these kings actually were giants as they are depicted.
A prominent feature of ancient religions and mythology is polytheism. It is the belief in multiple gods, often described as a pantheon - a hierarchy of deities which are related to each other ancestrally. Such polytheistic pantheons are the basis for the majority of ancient religions. A prominent feature of these pantheons is that they describe a "Father of the Gods", a "Mother of the Gods", and a son of the primordial or first god who over thre his father to become the king of the gods. This feature is found in the ancient Greek, Roman, Norse, German, Slavic, Japanese, and Egyptian pantheons, as well as a few African pantheons. This common thread argues, like the historicity of the legends of giants from around the world, that there is a historical basis for them being related to some historical event.
The best candidate for this event is the Tower of Babel Affair. The earliest tribes of man began as large family groups which dispersed from Babel to encompass the earth. When they dispersed, they took with them their memory of the events which occurred in the beginning, before the Noaich Flood, as described in Genesis. In the Genesis account, satan abdicated his estate to defile mankind as an act of rebellion, which he would use to overthrow God, not in actual power, but by replacing God in the hearts and minds of mankind. Satan is the angry son of god, such as Zeus, Thor, and others, depicted in ancient pantheons who overthrew the father of the gods to become ruler of the gods and of mankind. Thus, the events of Genesis, being subjected to inaccurate retelling by word-of-mouth, quickly replaced memory of the one true God of scripture with pantheons of gods.
Another factor in the formation of these pantheons is Ancestor Worship. In some cases, the leaders of the earth's early family groups, which founded the early kingdoms of the earth, were transformed into gods in the memories of mankind. This is what accounts for the Babylonian and Akkadian legends of the "gods" coming down from the mountains of Anatolia to create mankind. This account is a distortion of the migration of Noah and his sons from Anatolia, where Genesis states the Ark of Noah came to rest, into the Plain of Shinar after the Flood. Thus, Noah and his sons were deified by the earliest historical record of pantheons.
Secular minds refuse to accept the evidence that the bible is clearly the best explanation for the pantheons of the ancient world. However, because they recognize the similarity between these pantheons and many of their gods, they accept that there is an explanation which is common to all of them. This is contradictory to the secular claim that man evolved from a hominid in Africa, and dispersed from there hundreds of thousands of years ago. If that were so, it would be irrational to believe that the legends of these pantheons and their gods would have become so similar in the various ancient tribes of mankind. Thus, they admit that this similarity is evidence of common ancestry for the pantheons, while rejecting the logic that it cannot be explained with the secular concept of the formation of the early tribes of man.
Because the secular camp believes in evolution - a purely naturalistic explanation for everything, and because they acknowledge the relationship between the pantheons of the ancient world, they posit that the explanation for the pantheons is that aliens have been visiting earth for millennia, and either presented themselves to ancient civilizations, or at the least were witnessed in the skies, and that these beings were incorrectly believed to be gods by ancient people.
One of the best examples of this is that some people point to the descriptions of odd things in the Book of Ezekiel and attribute them to aliens. The best known example is Ezekiel's description of wheels within wheels with eyes all around which move in an unusual manner, such as moving sideways without turning as they move through the sky. In truth, nobody, including biblical scholars and well-studied Christians, knows exactly what Ezekiel is describing. However, given that the biblical explanation for the origin of the world's pantheons is clearly the most supportable, it is likely that Ezekiel is describing angelic beings, and not aliens from another planet.
The belief that aliens have come to this world has become remarkably popular worldwide, and was made so by science fiction films in the 1950's and 60's. Secular scientists today recognize that the potential for fully formed bacterial life to arise on the earth without assistance from materials from space. The Origin of Life (abiogenesis) theory has become wrought with tremendous chemical problems which indicate it cannot have happened without some kind of greatly advantageous push from material brought to the earth from outer space. This idea has become known as Panspermia, and has become exceedingly popular among secular scientists. Along with this belief has come the idea that aliens either seeded life on earth, or brought to earth bacteria or modest multi-cellular life forms which have evolved into the plethora of earth's fauna.
Even Richard Dawkins has embraced this theory. It is put forth because of three things:
1. The inability of chemical experimentation and the imagined conditions of the early earth to produce a plausible model for the origin of life on the earth
2. Living systems possesses features which appear to have been designed, such as microscopic machines with numerous components, DNA, error correction, transcription, translation, ribosomes, information, linguistic organization, algorithms, etc.
3. Ancient men believed that "the gods" have been visible in the sky for millennia and came from the sky to visit mankind
These points, when combined, form the basis for the secular belief that aliens are the explanation for the origin of life on earth as well as all of the gods of the ancient world. However, the best explanation, one which is the least complex, requires the least blind faith, and which therefore does not defy Occam's Razor, is the biblical account of creation for the origin of life, and the "sons of God" as the explanation for the UFO phenomenon. The simplest explanation for why so many people have witnesses bizarre entities in the skies is that God has created beings other than humans, which have abilities far beyond our own. They seem able to pop into and out of existence and move suddenly change direction while moving at what must be many thousands of miles per hour, and to accelerate from motionless to astonishing speeds in the blink of an eye. Surely there is something real going on with this phenomenon. Far too many intelligent and highly educated people in the world have had some type of encounter with or observation of these entities.
The idea that aliens are coming to the earth from many light-years distance presents serious problems however. Each step along the way to explaining that aliens are the explanation for the UFO phenomenon requires an imaginative idea that has no scientific support or does not take into account certain facts which make it less plausible. Each time the aliens explanation becomes more convoluted and requires a belief in things which are either implausible of totally imaginary. One of these is the time-distance problem. If the speed of light (@ 386,000 miles per second) is the upper speed limit of the universe, and many secular scientists have said, then for aliens to get to the earth from such astonishing distance would require them to break this speed limit. The only other way for them to get to the earth from somewhere so far away would be if they had aboard their vessels a system for their own reproduction, education, and rearing so that the generation of aliens which left their planetary home was not the generation which arrived at earth. The only alternative to this would be to believe they are biologically immortal and do not age. To believe they are immortal would be too much like acknowledging the existence of God, so that argument is implausible for the secular camp. One could argue that aliens discovered how they could stop their aging process, but that is simply adding an imaginative scenario that further complicate the issue.
Passing through a powerful warp of time and space would cause different parts of a spacecraft and it's occupants to have different and constantly changing time and space. This would cause catastrophic effects.
1. The continuously changing space would cause machines and biological entities to fail and perish because:
a. Their components would not function in unison of time, which would cause system failure
b. Their components would not function in physical unison, which would cause them to be torn apart
2. It is virtually certain that a spacecraft entering a wormhole would not be able to predetermine or repeat the
time and place of their exit from the wormhole. The slightest fluctuations occurring in a wormhole would
have dramatic effects upon the outcome for anything passing through it.
a. It is not logical to believe that anything passing through it would ever exit into the same time or space.
Therefore, aliens could almost certainly never revisit the earth, much less arrive at the earth within a narrow
window of time, even if that window were millions of earth years.
b. If the earth were many millions of years old, Alien visitors would far more likely arrive at earth at a time long
before man existed or after the earth had become lifeless because of the expansion of the sun as it cools.
This problem gets exponentially worse the younger you believe the earth is.
Another problem with the aliens explanation is that space is not empty. Every so many miles in space there is believed to be a gain of matter the size of a grain of sand, or bigger. The energy released by the impact of a grain of sand moving at or near the speed of light is tremendous - perhaps greater than that of a hydrogen bomb - and it is implausible that any kind of spacecraft could sustain repeated impacts with bits of debris. One could argue that the alien spacecraft has some sort of energy field in front of it which would deflect debris before it was encountered, but this again requires adding an imaginative idea to complicate the matter. Another problem is the tremendous radiation believed to be present everywhere in the universe, which should literally eat any kind of spacecraft and organic life therein. One could argue that the aliens invented a way of preventing the intense radiation from damaging their spacecraft and themselves, but again this requires an imaginative idea that further complicates the matter.
Even greater than these problems is the fact that for aliens to arrive at earth and find human beings is astronomically implausible. If the secular explanation for the origin of life and mankind were true - that we have evolved and are now as we are because of evolution, the odds that aliens would leave their home and arrive at earth at the time when we are fully human and capable of considering them is beyond unlikely. It is orders of magnitude more plausible that if aliens traveled the stars to come to earth, they would discover a planet which has no life on it whatsoever, either because it had not yet evolve or because the sun had expanded as it cooled and destroyed all life on the earth - long before the aliens arrived. The incredible timing necessary for aliens to arrive here just when man has become intelligent over a period of a few hundred thousand years, from somewhere it might take hundreds of thousands if not millions of years to get here, is utterly implausible.
The greatest problem of all with the alien scenario is the enormous amount of energy which would be required to accellerate a spacecraft to a speed which even begins to approach the speed of light, which would not be fast enough to get them to our world in less than millions of years anyway. Moving towards such speeds, the energy required increases exponentially until it would be so great that the aliens would need to transport a container of energy the size of a star, or greater. There simply isn't enough energy in space which could be collected by the spacecraft to be used for acceleration, and solar radiation would not provide anywhere near the volume of energy necessary.
The simple truth is that a better explanation than the alien scenario is found closer to home - the biblical one, which is supported by various lines of evidence, does not require fanciful scenarios and imaginative solutions, and makes the belief in aliens seem like what it truly is - science fiction.
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