Wednesday, February 14, 2024

 The evolutionist's mind: When creationists provide scientific evidence, they smile and look out their window with a glazed euphoria of non-attention in their eyes.

 Evolution Theory is a philosophy born during the late 18th century - a time before any of the discoveries of modern biological science. The discoveries of science which have occurred since then have verified that life has not nor can it evolve into fundamentally different forms, and that life was designed and created. In the days of Charles Darwin, virtually nothing was known of biology, and microbiology was distant in the future. DNA was discovered 10 years after Darwin wrote his first book, and it was not discovered that DNA was a package of prescriptive, functional information which defined the features and biochemistry of an organism until many decades afterward.

 Today we know that all life is defined by it's genetic information. The DNA molecule is a physical medium which is digitally encoded with prescriptive, functional information which operates with algorithmic information processing and linguistics (punctuation, syntax, grammar, phonetics, and semiotics). It is a 4-dimentional package of complex information (time is it's 4th dimension) which is more compressed than any of man's computer information compression schemes. It is self-correcting, strand-hoping, forward and reverse reading, linguistic, and self-mutable. Information, algorithms, and the semiotics of linguistics are products of intelligence only, and are without exception traceable to an intelligent source. Information, algorithms, and the semiotics of linguistics are immaterial products of mental processes which require forward-thinking, choice-making, and the application of meaning to and interpretation of meaning from symbols. Information, algorithms, and semiotics cannot be produced by any material activity. They can be brought into existence only by an intelligence which designs them.

  The theory of evolution requires that random genetic mutations selected by environmental factors is the base mechanism for the development of the structural features of every body plan of every organism. Yet 20th century biological science has verified with over one million studies in genetics that random mutation is no such mechanism, but is instead a process of accruing damage to the information that is DNA. Mutations are established to be the source of virtually every disease and deformity and are the cause of death for all biological life. The myth that random mutations incrementally build novel features in organisms was formulated in the first third of the 20th century - before any studies of DNA mutation had been conducted. Virtually every study in the effects of random mutation have shown that the observable effect of mutation is the degeneration of genetic information and entropy to the health of individual organisms, and when spread to the population, mutations constitute degeneration of the genome of the species. What modern biological science has revealed consistently about mutation is in complete contradiction to the ideas of Charles Darwin and his kind in the pre-biology era of the 19th century.

 There is no potential for chemistry to produce information, algorithms, and linguistics. They are products only of intelligence. Mutations do not incrementally design biomechanical structures. They degenerate organisms instead. It takes time for scientifically antiquated ideas to die off because those who control academia are dedicated to them and their careers depend upon them. Evenso, the death of evolution theory has begun. Today numerous mainstream scientists have published and are discussing openly the contradiction between the idea that mutation is a designer and the verified effects of mutation upon the integrity of genetic information and how they degenerate organisms and have a negative effect upon their health and sustainability.

 At present, over 80 papers have been published and peer reviewed which are either friendly to the intelligent design of life or which state outright that life is a product of intelligent design. Publication of such papers in mainstream science journals would not have been possible just 25 years ago. Times are changing. Within a century, all discussion of the idea that mutation and selection are designers of life will have ended and evolution theory will be relegated to history as one of the greatest scientific blunders of all time. 

 “Genomes are the genetic specifications that allow life to exist. Specifications are obviously inherently SPECIFIC. This means that random changes in specifications will disrupt information with a very high degree of certainty. This has become especially clear ever since the publication of the ENCODE results, which show that very little of our genome is actually ‘junk DNA’.10 The ENCODE project also shows that most nucleotides play a role in multiple overlapping codes, making any beneficial mutations which are not deleterious at some level vanishingly rare (”

  Source: Sanford, J., Critic ignores reality of Genetic Entropy: The author of a landmark book on genomic decay responds to unsustainable criticisms. 7 March 2013. "Most modern biologists, having reviewed with satisfaction the downfall of the spontaneous generation hypothesis, yet unwilling to accept the alternative belief in special creation, are left with nothing." - Dr. George Wald, evolutionist, Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University at Harvard, Nobel Prize winner in Biology

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