Tuesday, March 13, 2018

 Evolution Becomes a Bigger Joke With Every New Discovery in Biology

Evolution became a laughable myth in the 20th century, during which it was disproved by millions of discoveries. One such discovery is that polymerase is a product of it's own translation, which proves Special Creation. Another is the discovery that the cell's structural design is not generated by genetic information, but is instead passed on by reproduction form the reproductive cells of the parents (Cortical Inheritance). Evolutionism is a philosophy which is contradicted by science. It arose from a rejection of Christian values in the 18th century, leading to a rise in secular humanism which required a materialistic explanation for man's existance free of God. This rise in humanism was fueled by a lack of adequate effort of Christians to defend the truth against new false ideas that were nothing more than replacements for one truth or another, as well as the outsourcing academic and scientific control to those who are non-believers. Rejection of truths for imaginary ideas has caused many to fall into believing that philosophical ideas from the secular world scientific because secular men of science said it was so. Today the tables are turning, and there increasing support in both the scientific community and the general public for creationism and the Intelligent Design that has so greatly threatened the control over academia that secular men of science who are resorting more than ever to harsh treatment of evolution doubters or disbelievers. The threat is so great that the preachers of evolutionism are now typically afraid to debate the subject of evolution and creation on college campuses for fear of being refuted in front of their own students and the media.

Over 100 yrs ago, Evolution Theory was plausible for naturalists because of their rejection of God. Biological science was rudimentary and archaic, and provided no information about the operations of the cell. Modern biology has very greatly changed what is known of genetics and biology. It has been discovered that life is based upon information which is digitally encoded and stored in a more compressed form than man's best computer compression schemes.

DNA is a material medium encoded with information which is organized to conform to linguistics laws, posesses algorithmic operations, and posesses the human language properties of phonetics, semantics, punctuation, syntax, grammar, and aprobatics. Information, algorithms, and linguistics are non-physical fundamental entities that are produced by intelligence. The material processes of chemistry and physics cannot create them. This fact is proof that all life was designed by a mind of supreme intelligence. Evolution is impossible and creation has been proved for this reason alone. The information input and output processing of DNA includes the analytical operations of proofreading, information comparison, cut, insert, copy-and-past, backup, and restore, all of which operate by algorithmic operations.

DNA is a 4-dimentional (3 dimentions + time) operating system which is far more complex than man's computer software technology, posessing many thousands of information hierarchies and pathways in the cell. When the DNA molecule is supercoiled as chromatin, some of it's information is available to the cell which is not available when the molecule is uncoiled, and when it is not supercoiled, some of it's information is available to the cell which is not available when it is supercoiled. DNA is a dual-directional information package, providing different information depending upon which direction the machinery of the cell is traveling down the molecule as it transcribes it. Man does not know how to to write computer software that can do this, wherein lines of code provide different information depending upon whether it is read top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top. DNA's individual information sequences are overlapping and nested sharing nucleotides between sequences, and information in different locations of the molecule are interdependant with each other -- a feature which exemplifies why chemical processes cannot design DNA. DNA posesses codes built upon codes which regulate the use of each other, even when they are distant from each other in the molecule.

During an organism's development, the genetic information instructs the cell on how to turn on and off, like chemical switches, many sequences of information of the DNA in a supremely complex and yet to be understood orchestral arrangement of various groupings and orders so as to build the structures of the organism. These patterns of genes being switched on and off is so complex that man will likely never be able to decipher it.

If you want to believe in evolution because you refuse to acknowledge the existence of our creator, nobody can stop you. But doing so is to be a denialists of the discoveries of modern science - things which the outdated concept of Charles Darwin over 150 yrs ago could not have predicted. Believing in evolution today is as antiquated as it was to believe that flies arose from meat or frogs arose from mud a century prior to Darwin. Eugenie Scott, the popular militant defender of evolutionism has stated, "If your local campus Christian fellowship asks you to "defend evolution," please decline. Public debates rarely change many minds; creationists stage them mainly in the hope of drawing large sympathetic audiences. Have you ever watched the Harlem Globetrotters play the Washington Federals? The Federals get off some good shots, but who remembers them? The purpose of the game is to see the Globetrotters beat the other team. And you probably will get beaten."

Atheists in fact hate the Scientific Method and refuse to employ it. Example: 100 years of random genetic mutation experimentation provides consistent results demonstrating that random mutations are destructive and negative to organisms, both biochemically and anatomically, and does not add anything incrementally to the anatomy of organisms. Conclusion? Mutation cannot be a mechanism for accruing change that results in macroevolution. But what does the atheist conclude despite the evidence? They continue believing that random mutation IS a mechanism for accruing change that results in mind-bending complexity, microscopic interdependent machinery, and macroevolution, not because of science, but because their worldview requires it to be, since if evolution were true, random mutation would have to be the base mechanism for evolution, since genetic information defines organisms. In this way, they refuse to come to the correct conclusion because of their paradigm, tossing out the Scientific Method and the conclusion it would require them to accept.

Examples of how atheists refuse to comply with the Scientific Method are nearly countless, and found in all fields of science. I would say that based upon this fact, atheists are incapable of being objective, responsible scientists in any field of science which relates to the universe, organic life, or history.

Anthony Flew, once the word's foremost atheist academic who's former arguments are the posters upheld by atheists today, converted to a theist and creationist because of the biological evidence. See him discuss his conversion:

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